EXACTIS translations:

means exact and more
English and German into Spanish Technical Translations, Revisions and Transcreations.
For all your business needs

Our mission

«Technical translations are way more than meets the eye»

The “technical” denomination in technical translations is more than a mere descriptor of a field of specialization. Technical entails a degree of accuracy that no many other fields of specialization require. Attention to detail is paramount. Unambiguousness is the bread and butter of technical terms. Adequation to the target audience is key to ensure the engagement of your final users. Scientific and technological texts must be easy to navigate but leaving no space for any interpretation other than the original one.

«To err is human. To tech is not»

A qualified translator guarantees no error. Period. Engineers get the ball rolling and users expect that their newly-purchased products are as easy to use and understand as the original creator expects. Technical translations meet the highest standards and apply the strictest quality assurance techniques in order to ensure that final products fully and completely satisfy the needs and expectations of target users.

The needed human touch

Language is an inherently human tool and technical translations are naturally a matter of people and their craft. AI technology, post-editing or just lazy drafting have a significant impact on the usability of a text. A text lacking the human touch, simply irreproductible by machines, computers and artificial intelligence, is as good as unusable. All good brands know this and engage human translators for their most successful products.

Tailored for your industry and audience

Cars, trains, motorbikes, farming machinery, mining equipments and aircrafts speak different languages. Technicians, engineers, developers, CEOs and final users do too. Get a translation that perfectly suits both the technical field of your product as the target audience. Be sure that your message is properly tailored to the need and the people. At Exactis we have ample experience with a range of different and diverse fields and matters aimed both at the entry-level user and at the top of the pyramid.

A story of success building on experience

We have been offering the best to the best for more than a decade. We have extensive experience and a history of success in tech and industry, science and people. More than a decade serving top actors in the international stage that still trust us for their critical context avail our quality.

Exactis means exact and more